
BoosterX™ is a CVM Engagement Channel for Mobile Operators that creates powerful and timely opportunities to interact with consumers at the right moments. BoosterX enables Mobile Operators to communicate with their customers via OnePIN’s Advertising Platform, helping them manage their account and add new services when the time is right.

The Digital Advertising service creates contextual, event-based user journeys which enhance the mobile operators’ customer value management systems and programs. OnePIN’s data science teams have found that end user response rates exceed 80% when digitized offers are run through OnePIN’s BoosterX channel. They have also found that the BoosterX channel is 20 to 60 times more successful than push SMS or app push notifications.

Icon_SubscriberValueSubscriber Value

  • Acts as a digital assistant to the subscribers, available to them at the right moments to help buy or upgrade their data or voice package using a simple interactive user interface.

Icon_OperatorValueOperator Value

  • Operators now have an effective communication channel with their customers, increasing revenue and customer satisfaction.

Icon_WhoPaysWho pays to use the service

  • This service is offered for free to mobile customers.
  • Mobile Operators pay a transaction fee for each successful engagement with the customer.

Icon_MarketEnvironmentMarket Environment and Trend

  • SMS and USSD are no longer viable options for Mobile Operators to promote their offers.
  • The majority of mobile customers turn-off mobile app push notifications.
  • BoosterX offers the best option to reach customers.